This time, i will share my experience about
repair broken laptops screen. Based on experience, this formula can be applied to all type laptops. There are several steps that should be done.
laptops that can solved with this steps are
laptops with the following damage :
1. LCD condition : Blank or Black when you active your laptop
2. Laptop condition : normal, you can check with external monitor. just plug monitor ( or similar monitor )on your laptop and turn on your laptop. if all data can appear on monitor, this means your
laptop normally.
3. All data can appear on laptop LCD, but just look dim. To check this condition you can used the lamp and place in front of laptop lcd/screen. If you can see all image in your laptop when your laptop active this means that your lcd normally but the back lam not light.
And than do this steps :
1. Prepare : AVO meter and Solder
2. You should open all the
laptop case, including lcd case. you must be careful on this step, save all small part so as not to lose.
3. Check LCD inverter. On this part you can see in and out cable socket. in socket from mainboard and out socket to back screen lamp. when the
laptop ON, check the voltage at in socket. There are 4 cable lines, 1 is main voltage (12-15 V), 2 is Grounding voltage ( - ), 3 is control voltage (3V) to set screen brightness, and 4 is trigger voltage (+5V) to determine back screen lamp on or off. You should check this voltage one by one begin from 1 cable, 3 cable and 4 cable with grounding cable (2 cable).
- The first cable ( 1 cable ) can be checked when the laptop off, if no voltage there, you should find a replacement voltage (12-15V). take from the mainboard.
- The second cable ( 3 cable ) can be checked when the laptop ON only, if no voltage there, you should find a replacement voltage (3V). take from the mainboard.
- The third cable ( 4 cable ) can be checked when the laptop ON only, if no voltage there, you should find a replacement voltage (5V). take from the mainboard.
If all voltage in the normal condition, so you should check 'out socket' voltage that leading to back screen lamp. Be careful, because this is high voltage. put AVO meter selector to AC 250V. If it's voltage in the normal condition, so can be sure that the back screen lamp is broken and you must replace with normally lamp. But, if no voltage at this socket, so the inverter is broken and you must replace the LCD inverter. you can choose according your inverter type or buy the laptop inverter
via this links.
This is important,
to find a replacement voltage on the mainboard you should be careful, check with your AVO meter one by one, and avoid the voltage around the processor. I hope this experience about Repair broken laptops screen can be help you. If any problem, write on comment area